| Troubleshooting Tables | ||
| ||
| What Is | Possible Reason | What to Do |
| Happening |
| ||
| |
| You were using a menu, | The receiver has a | Start over again. |
| and it suddenly closed. | that closes any menu after several |
| minutes of no activity. This will |
| discard any changes you have made, |
| but otherwise does no harm to the |
| receiver. |
| What Is | Possible Reason | What to Do |
| Happening |
| ||
| |
| In the Program Guide, | Red means that you have not bought | If you want to buy a channel, call the Customer Service Center at |
| some channels have a red | the program. You must buy a |
| |
| background. | channel before you can tune the |
| receiver to it. |
| You try to display future | The Program Guide and Browse | Try displaying the Program Guide again later. By that time, it |
| programs in the Program | Banner can display programs | may show programs for the time and date you want. |
| Guide or Browse | scheduled for an extended, but not | Turn the receiver off for about ten minutes. |
| Banner, but find you | unlimited time beyond the present. |
| |
| ||
| cannot. |
| You try to display | The Program Guide and Browse | Contact the program providers for details on past programs. |
| programs that have ended | Banner can display only programs |
| in the Program Guide or | that have not yet ended. These |
| Browse Banner, but | features cannot display a time earlier |
| find you cannot. | than the present. |
| When you are using the | You may have applied a Favorite | You can change the applied Favorite List while using the Program |
| Program Guide or | List other than the list named All | Guide, by pressing the remote control Guide button. You can |
| Browse Banner, some | Chan. | choose another custom Favorite List, the All Chan list, which |
| channels are missing. | You may have set up the Program | includes all of the channels, or the All Sub list, which includes all |
| Guide so that when the receiver is | subscribed channels. Unlock the receiver for the Program Guide |
| locked, the Guide hides adult | to display adult channels. |
| channels. | Do the Check Switch procedure (see the installation instructions |
| If your setup includes a | for details). |
| switch, you may need to do the |
| Check Switch procedure. |
| ||
| What Is | Possible Reason | What to Do |
| Happening |
| ||
| |
| You set a lock (for | You may not have locked the | You must lock the receiver to apply any lock that you have set. |
| example, a lock on | receiver. |
| programs by ratings), but |
| the lock does not take |
| effect. |
| You forgot the password, | You may not have written down the | Call the Customer Service Center. You must provide the following |
| so that you are unable to | password, to keep it in a safe place. | information: (1) your name; (2) your address; (3) your telephone |
| unlock the receiver. |
| number; (4) the receiver serial identification number; and (5) your |
| Personal Identification Number (PIN), if you use one. |
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