4.Click OK button to activate the settings. You will see your setting has been saved.
The Wildcard and Backup MX features are not supported for all Dynamic DNS providers. You could get more detailed information from their websites.
Disable the Function and Clear all Dynamic DNS Accounts
In the DDNS setup menu, uncheck Enable Dynamic DNS Setup, and push Clear All button to disable the function and clear all accounts from the router.
Delete a Dynamic DNS Account
In the DDNS setup menu, click the Index number you want to delete and then push Clear All button to delete the account.
3.10.2 Schedule
The Vigor router has a
You have to set your time before set schedule. In System Maintenance>> Time and Date menu, press Inquire Time button to set the Vigor router’s clock to current time of your PC. The clock will reset once if you power down or reset the router. There is another way to set up time. You can inquiry an NTP server (a time server) on the Internet to synchronize the router’s clock. This method can only be applied when the WAN connection has been built up.
Set to Factory Default | Clear all profiles and recover to factory settings. |
Index | Click the number below Index to access into the setting page |
| of schedule. |
Status | Display if this schedule setting is active or inactive. |
You can set up to 15 schedules. Then you can apply them to your Internet Access or VPN and Remote Access >>
To add a schedule, please click any index, say Index No. 1. The detailed settings of the call schedule with index 1 are shown below.
VigorPro5500 Series User’s Guide | 97 |