Dynacord DPM 4000 manual 5.3.4Four-ChannelPower Amplifier DPA, Control, Messages, Features

Models: DPM 4000

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The following remote functions are available:


￿Level control, Mute

￿Monitor activation (Input / Output)

￿Mains operation ON/OFF

￿Battery operation ON/OFF

￿Pilot tone ON/OFF (optionally available)


￿Output level

￿Pilot tone detection

￿Ground fault detection

￿Thermal overload amplifier / mains transformer


￿Measured values of current and voltage at the power output


5.3.4Four-Channel Power Amplifier DPA 4411


￿Power amplifier with 4x100 W output power capacity according to IEC 283-3, 19" - Chassis (3 HU)

￿Mains operation 115/230 V AC and emergency power supply operation 24 V DC

￿Output transformers for balanced, floating 100 V speaker networks; 70 V, 50 V or 4 ohms low impedance operation selectable

￿All outputs are protected against idling and short-circuit

￿Integrated remote module for control and surveillance via the PROANNOUNCE Manager DPM 4000

￿Electronic level controls, electronically balanced inputs and electronically balanced MONITOR output

￿Input transformers for balanced, floating operation are optionally available

￿Monitor output transformer offering a balanced, floating MONITOR output is optionally available

￿Routing-switch for parallel input operation of amplifiers

￿Integrated standby-power supply

￿Mains function switch POWER

￿Ground-lift switch

￿Remote start in mains and battery operation with initial inrush current limiter

￿Switching noise suppression

￿Status-LED indication: operation (READY), STANDBY, thermal overload (PROTECT), and GROUND FAULT at the power output

￿Fault-messaging according to DIN EN 60849 via the PROANNOUNCE Manager DPM 4000

￿TEST-button for installations with emergency switching, RESET for ground fault


PROANNOUNCE System User Handbook 1.1

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Dynacord DPM 4000 manual 5.3.4Four-ChannelPower Amplifier DPA, Control, Messages, Features