System Configuration Manual
300510EN, Rev AA
December 2010
Rosemount Raptor
Section 5. Installing a Raptor Level Gauging System
Configuration Summary
The 2410 Tank Hub Summary window shows information about all devices
included in the 2410 Tank Database for the current installation.
25. Verify that all Modbus addresses, level tags and ATD tags presented in
the 2410 Tank Hub Summary window are correct.
In case you would like to make any changes, click the Back button until
the appropriate window appears.
26. By selecting the Install Level and AUX devices... check box in the
lower left-hand corner of the 2410 Tank Hub Summary window, the field
devices connected to the 2410 via the Tankbus will be installed
automatically in the TankMaster workspace as illustrated in Figure 5-9 on
page 5-48. The check box is selected by default. This is the
recommended setting.
After the devices are installed they must be configured via the Properties
window, see for example “Installing a Rosemount 5900S Radar Level
Gauge” on page 5-51 and “Installing Auxiliary Tank Devices” on
page 5-65.
The installation procedure will be facilitated by using the Install Level
and AUX devices... check box. However, the field devices (level gauge
and ATD) can be installed at a later stage by using the device installation
wizard for the respective device, see “Using the Device Installation
Wizard” on page 5-5.
27. Click the Finish button to confirm the installation. The installed devices
will appear in the Workspace window as illustrated in Figure 5-9 on
page 5-48.