5.Highlight your printer name in the Printers list. If there are many devices on the network, you may have to scroll through the list to find your printer.
6.Select the network zone that you want your printer to appear in from the Zones list.
The default zone appears as an asterisk (*) in the Zones list.
7.To use a
8.Click Set to assign your printer to the selected zone.
If you are assigning a zone to more than one printer, repeat steps
Your printer will stay in the new zone as long as the zone is available.
Caution:If you changed the AppleTalk PS option, wait at least 30 seconds after clicking the Set button before rebooting your printer.
9.Click Quit to exit EPSON Zoner.
Be sure to notify all network users of the new zone for your printer. They will have to reselect the rezoned printer in the Chooser.