Setting Up Various UNIX Systems

This section shows some scripts and setup examples for different types of UNIX systems:

Setting up for SCO UNIX

Some UNIX systems, such as SCO, do not support the Berkeley lpr print function. The following script allows you to print from within some applications using ftp, which is supported on most TCP/IP systems. The two scripts have been tested for SCO UNIX, but may require modification for other systems. You can use either script.

In SCO UNIX the original printer model scripts are located in directory usr/spool/lp/model.

The process of creating a printer using the SCO administration program (SYSADMSH) copies these files to:


You can place the script directly into your interface directory.

Also, you can



where PRINTER is the printer name used in lp-dprinter and INTERPACESCRIPT is the file name containing the next ftp script.

Using UNIX 5-9