
It takes a few seconds to register the IP address change, so there may be a short delay before it is displayed.

Configuring your printer

Follow the steps below to configure your printer using Windows NT.

1.Click Print Manager in the Main program group.

2.Choose the Create Printer command from the Printer menu.

3.After the Create Printer dialog box appears, enter the name of your printer in the Printer Name text box.

4.Choose your printer driver from the Driver pull-down menu.

5.Choose Other from the Print To pull-down menu.

6.After the Print To dialog box appears on the screen, select LPR Port from the Available Print Monitor list, and click


7.After the Add LPR-compatible Printer dialog box appears on the screen, enter the previously specified IP address of the Ethernet Card in the first text box.

8.Click the Printer Name of the Computer text box; then enter an appropriate printer name, and click OK.

9.After the Create Printer dialog box, appears, make sure that all your settings have registered and are correct. Make changes if necessary, and click OK.

You can change the printer driver settings from the Create Printer dialog box at any time.

Using Windows NT 4-7