The following character definition program should help make this clear:
100 LPRINT CHR$(27);"X";CRR$(O); llOLPRINTCHR$(27);"&";CHR$(O); 120 LPRINT ";;";
130 LPRINT c11~$(128); l40FORI=lTO11
160 NEXT I
170 LPRINT ";;;;;"
180 LPRINT CHR$(27);"%";CHR$(l);
190 LPRINT "ii;;;"
200LPRINTCHR$(27);"%";CHR$(O); 210 LPRINT ";;;;;"
In line 100, the ESC x 0 command selects draft printing. The two semicolons (;) in line 120 are n1 and n2, the range of characters being defined (in this case, a range of one). Line 130 contains a1, which in this case specifies to use the top eight pins of the print head.
Line 180 selects the
If you entered the example program above, you defined a heart and placed it in the RAM location for decimal code 59 (replacing the semicolon). You can now print out a