Enhancing Your Printing

Character size

In addition to the basic cpi spacings, the printer offers two other modes that can change the size of your printing. These modes are double-wide and condensed.

The double-wide mode doubles the width of any size character. This mode is useful for emphasizing report headings and creating presentations, but is usually not suitable for large amounts of text. You can also combine double-wide mode with other enhancements to obtain even more impressive printing results.

This is normal 10 cpi printing.

T h i s i s d o u b 1 e-w i d e.

Both 10 and 12 cpi printing can be reduced to about 60% of their normal width using the condensed mode. This mode is especially useful for printing wide spreadsheets because condensed 12 cpi allows you to print up to 160 characters on an B-inch line.

The condensed mode can be selected with software commands or with the SelecType feature.

Condensed 10 cpi gives you more characters on a line.

Condensed 12 cpi qives you even more.

Note: Both 10 and 12 cpi normal draft printing can be condensed but NLQ printing cannot.

4-4Software and Graphics