Enhancing Your Printing
Widening or narrowing the characters also widens or narrows the space between words and letters. Because word processors usually create a left margin by printing spaces, you may need to change the left margin and the number of characters on a line to keep the margins correct if you change character widths.
Special effects and emphasis
The printer offers two ways of emphasizing text and also allows you to use underlining, superscripts, subscripts, and italics. These features can be controlled directly by software commands. Many application programs can also produce these effects if they are properly installed. Refer to your application program manual for details.
Emphasized and
Emphasized and
T h i s i s n o r m a l d r a f t p r i n t i n g .
This is emphasized draft printing.T h i s i s d o u b l e - s t r i k e i n d r a f t m o d e .
This is double - strike and emphasized combined.
Note: When using an NLQ font,
Software and Graphics