Selecting this function enables you to print a watermark in the
background of your printed documents or images. Select the
watermark you want to print from the Watermark list; then
select its position, size, color, and intensity. The position and
size of the water mark can be changed by dragging the
watermark with your mouse in the preview window on the left
side of the dialog box. When the mouse pointer is in the shape
of a hand, you can move the watermark, and when it is in
the shape of a fin ger, you can resi ze the water mark. Y ou
can also add (or delete) PICT files as your custom watermarks
to the Watermark list. Follow the steps below to add your
custom warterma rks:
1. Open the Layout dialog box and click Add/Delete.
Keywest Ref. Guide
A5 size Chapter 4
10-09-97 DR, pass 0
Using the Printer Software for Macintosh 4-23