Where to Find Information

This Reference Guide

Provides you with detail ed information about p rinting on
special paper, using the printer driver and util ities , a nd
provides other tips that will help you get the results you want.

Setup Guide

Provides you with the basic information you need to start using
your EPSON Stylus Pro 5000 and its optional and consumable

Online Help (Microsoft® Windows® 3.1x, 95, an d NT® only )

Provides you with detailed information and instructions on the
Windows-based printer software that controls your printer.
(Online help will be auto matically installed whe n you install
the printer software.) See Chapter 3 for information on
accessing online help.

Color Guide

Explains how color printing works and shows you how to get
impressive results from your printer.
Proof Sign-off:
Fujimori _______
D.Grady _______
LKeywest Ref. Guide
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10-09-97 DR, pass 0