Photo Good for printing scanned photos
Text/Graph Good for printing presentation
documents such as graphs and charts
Photo Enhance
(for Windows 3.1)
Photo Enhance 2
(for Windows 95)
Good for printing im ages captured
using a video, digital camera, or
scanner. EPSON PhotoEnhance and
PhotoEnhance 2 automatically adjust
the contrast, saturation, and brightness
of the original image data to produce
sharper, more vivid color printouts.
PhotoEnhance do es not affect your
original image data.
Printing with PhotoEnhance selected may
increase print time depending on your
computer system and the amount of data
contained in your image.
Text Good for printing text-only docu ments
ICM ICM means Image Color Matching.
This feature automatically adjusts
printout colors to match colors on
your screen.
ICM is only available for Windows 95.
Keywest Ref. Guide
A5 size Chapter 3
10-09-97 DR, pass 0
Using the Printer Software for Windows 3-7