2. Click the Utility tab and click the Speed & Progress button
on the Utility menu. The Speed & Progress dialog box
3. Compare what is written under the EPSON Printer Port
setting on the Speed & Progress dialog box with the table
Message Action
High speed (DMA) Transfer
enabled. DMA transfer is already enabled. Click
OK and close the printer driver
For higher data transfer
rates, use DMA transfer. Go to step 4.
<No message> Your system cannot use DMA transfer.
However if you change the parallel
port setting to ECP or Enhanced using
your computer’s BIOS Setup program,
you may be able to use DMA transfer.
Consult your computer’s manual or
computer maker for instructions.
Before you run the BIOS Setup
program, uninstall the prin ter software.
After running the Setup program,
reinstall the printer softwar e.
LKeywest Ref. Guide
A5 size Chapter 8
10-09-97 DR, pass 0
8-34 Troubleshooting