Epson XDT manual Error SensOpen or Error SensShort or Error SensSat, K n m

Models: XDT

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XDT User’s Manual Appendices

The mode argument is optional and may be specified only if an interval was specified. It may be “N” for numeric reporting or “G” for graphic reporting of the measurement. The mode argument defaults to numeric mode. The graphic mode may be chosen only for °C or °F, it will plot a graph of the measurement on printers which can respond to the Epson Graphic Commands, and have at least 80 character columns.

In the NUMERIC mode the instrument will report the measurement in the following format

BLMeasurement UnitsSPElapsed TimeSPAlarm StatusCRLF

The bell character is used to denote the beginning of each line. The measurement is a floating point decimal number. The units are the appropriate character string: “degF”, “degC”, “ppmV”, “LbsH2O/mmscf” or “g/m3”. The elapsed time since the unit was powered up (with 24hr roll over) is in HH:MM:SS format. The alarm status appears only if alarms are installed, it is indicated with a character string: HiAlrm or LoAlrm or NoAlrm.

If an error condition exists then the report will have the following format:


The ErrorString may be one of the following:

Error SensOpen” or “Error SensShort” or “Error SensSat”.

In the GRAPHIC mode the instrument will transmit Epson Graphic Command compatible data strings at the selected interval. Each string has the following format:


0 E

n m


0 D




SCK n m



where: DC1 selects the printer; Escape A 01 sets the advance to 1 dot per line; Escape K nnmm selects the graphic mode with mmnn bytes to follow; then the graphic bytes are sent 1 byte per horizontal dot (corresponding to 1 °F or °C being plotted) where the MSbit represents the dot the other bits are not used; Line Feed & Carriage Return advance the line; Escape A 09 sets the advance to the normal 9 dots per line, DC3 deselects the printer.

In addition every 200 lines, a text line will be sent to alternately time-stamp the plot or label the extreme dewpoint axis.

This will produce a graph which looks as follows.

-100C +20C


-100C +20C


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Epson XDT manual Error SensOpen or Error SensShort or Error SensSat, K n m