Exatron 3000B
www.exatron.com 6-17 Chapter 6 Display Dictionary
PLUNGE = _ _ _ _A four digit number will be displayed following PLUNGE = _ _ _ _. This refers to the number of steps the
plunger will move when placing the DUT into the handler's PI contacts. Each step of the motor is
approximately .003". 0640 is the factory default setting, although the number of steps is adjustable.
Be careful not to drive the DUT too far into the handler's contacts. The device's leads probably will not be
bent, but you will cause handler contact/devic e jams to occur. In addition, the life of the handler's
contacts will be decreased if too much plunge is used.
Use the keypad to make your selection. The handler accepts changes to each digit from lowest to
highest, in order. First enter Ones, then Tens, then Hundreds, then Thousands.
[-] The minus key will set the count to 0000.
[Enter] Sets your selection.
[Clear] Resets to the top of the handler's PLUNGE = 0640 loop. This will also reload the handler's
EPROM default values.
PLUNGER NOT UPThe test site plunger has failed to return to the top of the Z motor assembly when it should.
Press the [0] key to turn the motors off. Check for mechanical jams and verify that the plunger moves
freely up and down through its full cycle. It is possible that the Z plunger is going up, but the Z limit top
position switch is not being depressed.
Verify proper operation of the switch by running Diagnostics: ALL MOTOR CHECK: Test Site Plunger
Motor ("Z-Motor") Check as described in Chapter 5.
Replace the felt pad used on certain changeover kit versions to close the Z assembly top position switch.
Press the [Enter] button to resume operation.
PROGRAM DEVICE?This message applies when the handler is using the Program RS-232 control interface only. Please refer
to SET P/V/L MODE? message below.
PROGRAM RS-232Please refer to PICK INTERFACE? message above.
PROGRAMMINGThe handler is using the PROGRAM RS-232 interface. The handler is currently programming a device
with the programmer.
You may press the [Clear] button to abort the program/test and sort the device to a fail tube.
RAM AUTO RESETThe handler has detected errors in its RAM and automatically reloaded its RAM with defaults stored in
EPROM. This should occur very rarely or after unexpected power line interruptions. Replace the 8085
CPU PCB, EXATRON part #3000-055, if this message appears frequently.