Exatron 3000B
www.exatron.com 7-17 Chapter 7 Preventive Maintenance
If you encounter resistance while attempting to remove the contact assem bly by hand, gently
insert a thin-bladed screwdriver between the base of the PI contactor and the programmer
socket adapter. Carefully pry the assembly up along two sides until it pops loose for removal.
B. Handle the contactor assembly with care and place it on a protective surface such as
nonconductive i.c. packaging foam to protect the pins on the bottom from possible damage
while continuing the mantling process.
C. Remove the four #4-40-05 Allen bolts on the frame of the contactor assembly. Remove any
stand-offs. Set these bolts and stand-offs aside.
ULTRASONIC P I CLEANINGYou may find that a convenient way to clean your P I contacts is to place the entire contact
assembly in a small ultrasonic cleaner such as the ones used to clean jewelry. In this
method, use clean de-ionized water as the cleaning solution.
After drying the P I contact assembly (if you use compressed air for drying make sure that the
air is clean so that you do not spray oil all over your clean P I contacts) it is a good idea to
bake the P I contacts in an oven at 200 degrees Fahrenheit (90 degrees Centigrade) for 15
minutes, so that any remaining water is removed from the contacts.