Exatron 3000B
www.exatron.com 3-17 Chapter 3 Interface Info
This information is subject to change without notice. Contact EXATRON for latest revis ion. The following
RS-232 control commands are used by the EXATRON 5000 Series Handlers. The handler must be s et to
use the EXATRON Super interface only. These commands do not apply to the handler’s Programmer
RS-232 interface, or EXATRON RS-232 interface, or to any other RS-232 interface.
For firmware: “5000FAST”


The handler has loaded a device into the test site. (The top test site in dual site
handlers.) The tester should now start testing the DUT for the first time. No answer is
required. Do not send the End Of Test (EOT) sort until the handler specifically asks for


Requests the End Of Test (EOT) sort for the DUT in the test site.
The handler must receive an answer before continuing operation. Send back a single
ASCII character. The only legal answers are the numbers 1 through 8.
Example: for Sort 1, PASS, send a “1
for Sort 2, FAIL, send a “2


The handler has unloaded a device from the contacts and has reinserted it for a double
test operation. (The top test site in dual site handlers.) The tester should now begin
testing the same DUT for the second (or multiple) time. No answer is required. Do not
send the EOT sort until the handler specifically asks for END RETEST [CR].


Requests the End Of Test (EOT) sort for the DUT(s) in the test site. The handler must
receive an answer before continuing operation. Send back a single ASCII character. The
only legal answers are the numbers 1 through 8.
Example: for Sort 1, PASS, send a “1
for Sort 2, FAIL, send a “2


For lasers equipped with optional quad mark firmware only. This command will be sent to
the PC by the handler immediately after EOT. The DUT to be marked will typically be
moving into the laser mark site. This command will serve as a “preload” mark command.
Once the PC receives this command, the correct “MARK” will be loaded into the laser
marker and displayed with yellow background on the PC screen. There is no response
required from the PC.


The handler has loaded a DUT into the mark site. The laser should begin laser marking
the DUT. No answer is required. Do not send the End-Of-Mark until the handler
specifically asks for END LASER [CR].