Exatron 3000B
www.exatron.com 3-19 Chapter 3 Interface Info
“A” command = Request ROM/RAM address setting.
To check a single address setting in both the
handler’s ROM and RAM, send “A90 [CR]”.
A for address, 90 to FF for a given address.
The handler will send back:
90 ROM 01 RAM 01 [CR]
This displays the current address location
selected, the ROM default setting, and the
current RAM setting.
“P” command = Pause Handler
First, send a + (plus) to the handler; wait for the
handler to return a + (plus.) The handler is now
ready to receive a command.
Send “P [CR]” to the handler. The handler will
complete its current sub-cycle and will PAUSE the handler as soon as
possible. The display will read: HANDLER PAUSED.
To restart the handler, press the RUN button on
the handler’s control panel.
Exatron RS-232:The Exatron RS-232 interface allows the handler to be interfaced to virtually any computer-based piece of
test equipment. The user must write a program which communicates with the handler using the
commands listed in this section. This interface is unlike EXATRO N'S other control interfaces.
The connector on the handler is a 25 pin RS-232-type “D” connector with female pins. The mating
connector on the interface cable must use male pins. The RS-232 side panel port uses the following pins:
Pin 1 = GROUND
Pin 2 = RECEIVE; input to handler
Pin 3 = SEND; output from handler
Pin 7 = GROUND
The baud rate, stop bits, data bits, and parity may be selected by setting an address (RAM address 009B
= baud rate, 009C = data format) in the handler's EPROM. Please refer to the General Interface Firmware
Address section at the beginning of this chapter for Baud Rate and Data Format settings. The standard
EXATRON RS-232 settings are: 9600 Baud, No Parity, 8 Data Bits, 1 Stop.