Exatron 3000B
www.exatron.com 2-8 Chapter 2 Installation
5. Locate the two blue pivot plates (#3000-035.)
6. Locate two #3/8 x 16 x 2.75" long bolts, four #3/8 x 16 x 1.75" long bolts, six #3/8 lock
washers and six #3/8 x 16 hex nuts.
7. Place the #3/8 x 16 bolts and pivot plates on the risers. push the bolts in just far
enough to hold this assembly together and still leave room for the handler frame to be
placed inside. The bolts can then be pushed quickly into the handler frame while it is
held in position.
8. Handlers with Hot Rails are shipped pre-assembled on their FRED frames.
UNPACKING THE HOT RAIL HANDLER ASSEMBLYOpen the large handler box with the "DELICATE INSTRUMENT" label side up by carefully removing the
two reusable straps on the box. There is no need to cut any tape or remove any staples. lift the top of the
box straight up and remove the inner protective packaging assembly. You should now be able to see the
handler. The handler assembly is very heavy and will require two people to unpack it. With one person at
each end of the unit, pick the handler assembly straight up out of the box.
1. With two people holding the handler frame assembly by its sides and a third person
ready to push the bolts into place, position the handler assembly horizontally at the
long pivot bolts. Push those pivot bolts into the frame on each side of the handler.
2. With both people still holding the handler frame assembly by its sides, tilt the handler
to the desired tilt angle and push the remaining four shorter bolts into place. The two
people holding the handler frame should not let go of the handler until all six bolts are
properly inserted.
3. Double-check that the FRED is properly assembled and verify that the tilt angle is
correct. After you have confirmed the assembly is satisfactory, tighten all the bolts.
4. TRAY OPTION: Using three #1/4 x 20 x 2.50" long bolts, three lock washers and
three #1/4 x 20 hex nuts, bolt the tray extension frame to the bottom edge of the
FRED frame. Tighten all three bolts.