Exatron 3000B
www.exatron.com 6-24 Chapter 6 Display Dictionary
Z MOTOR CRASH ?This message indicates that the Z plunger has somehow become out of step and has moved too far up in
the Z motor assembly. At this point, the display may read Z MOTOR CRASH ? only, or it may first read
If the message CHECK CONTACTS? is displayed, the handler may have inadvertently dropped the
device under test onto the contacts. Immediately check the handler contacts and remove any dropped
If the message Z MOTOR CRASH ? only is displayed, the device has been picked up but the Z plunger
and the device are too high up. You may press the [Clear] button to flush all devices from the handler and
start over. You may also run the Self Adjust Z Procedure as described at the end of Chapter 5,
Z MOTOR IS UPZ MOTOR NOT UPIf the message Z MOTOR NOT UP is displayed, the Z plunger has not arrived at its upper limit stop switch
as required. The operator may use the following options to correct this situation:
- If the
[Enter] button is pressed, the handler will try again to locate the upper limit switch.
- If the
[Diagnostics] button is pressed, the handler will enter Diagnostics Mode. Please refer
to Chapter 5, ALL MOTOR CHECK:
- Test Site Plunger Motor Check for further details.
- If the
[Clear] button is pressed, the handler will abort this error loop.
- If the
[0] button is pressed, the handler will turn off the Z motor only. The display will read,
MOTOR OFF. To turn the Z motor back on, press the [Enter] button.
- If the
[1] or [7] button is pressed, the Z motor will jog up one step.
- If the
[3] or [9] button is pressed, the Z motor will jog down one step.
- If the
[4] button is pressed, the Z motor will jog up 80 steps.
- If the
[6] button is pressed, the Z motor will jog down 80 steps.
When the plunger does arrive at the upper limit stop switch, the displayed message will change to
To verify that the stop switch is actually working correctly and not causing Z MOTOR NOT UP messages
in error, toggle the stop switch by moving the plunger away from and then back to the stop switch.
EXATRON recommends the following method:
1. Push the Z plunger down manually or press the [6] button to jog the Z motor down 80 steps.
2. Press the
[Enter] button to automatically locate the Z limit stop switch and restart the handler.
ZERO COUNT ERRThe operator has set the output tube full quantity to 0000.
Set the count for more than 0000. Please refer to FULL TUBE = message earlier in this section.