Exatron 3000B
www.exatron.com 3-18 Chapter 3 Interface Info


The handler is requesting an End-Of-Mark answer. Send an ASCII “Z[CR]” when the laser
mark is complete.


The handler has received a command, but the command was not understood or is not one of
the legal commands used by the handler. No answer is required, but if you want the handler
to perform some operation, then retry your previous command.
1 [CR] = SORT 1
2 [CR] = SORT 2
3 [CR] = SORT 3
4 [CR] = SORT 4
5 [CR] = SORT 5
6 [CR] = SORT 6
7 [CR] = SORT 7
8 [CR] = SORT 8
+ (plus) = Put handler in Listen mode.
+ A90 [CR] = Ask handler to send a specific EPROM/RAM address setting:
?? ROM ?? RAM ??
+ B [CR] = Reset all handler tube/total counters to zero.
Handler display will read, TOTALS SET TO 0.
+ C90 FF [CR] = Accept new RAM settings from PC.
+ = plus
C = “C” command
90 = address
= space
FF = new data for address location
[CR] = end of string
+ D [CR] = Loads handler EPROM default settings into the handler’s RAM address,
from 0090-00FF to E390-E3FF.
Handler display will read: LOAD EPROM > RAM.
+ E [CR] = Send EPROM/RAM address “labels”
+ F [CR] = Send RAM data from handler to PC. Handler returns a long string of 8 bit
characters, one character for each address location from E390 to E3FF, ending
with a [CR].
+ G [CR] = Go; Index a new DUT, start running operations.
+ I [CR] = Handler returns EPROM default settings addresses 0090 - 00FF.
+ P [CR] = Pause the handler. Press the handler RUN button to restart operation.
+ T [CR] = Send RAM data from PC to handler RAM E390 - E3FF.
+ Z [CR] = Laser mark finished.