Before You Begin — Planning the Installation

Before installation is started, you must be consider several major factors to ensure that the installation process is as smooth and trouble free as possible, and so that the final finished project meets the needs of the customers, users, audiences, and installer.

The installation considerations on the following pages, though not comprehensive, should be consulted to help ensure that key installation aspects have been considered.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Compliance

When planning where to install the Polevault System, you may need to consider factors affecting accessibility of the system such as the height of devices from the floor (for example the MLC controller), distance from obstructions, and how far a user must reach to press any device buttons.

For guidelines, see sections 307 (“Protruding Objects”) and 308 (“Reach Ranges”) of the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design available at


Room Layout

a. The Room

The application diagram below shows a typical classroom installation.

PoleVault System

Figure 2. Typical Classroom Installation

Room factors to be considered should include, but are not confined to:

Room size, orientation, and layout:

Audience factors (for example number, ADA requirements, seating arrangements)

Existing installed furniture (bookcases, racks, cabinets, workbenches, sinks, and so forth.)

Windows, doors, and support pillar locations in relationship to the proposed screen location

PoleVault IP Systems • Introduction


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Extron electronic 305SA manual Before You Begin Planning the Installation, Typical Classroom Installation