Hardware Functional Overview
4.16 Micro-P Subsystem (PMU-07)
The micro controller Mitsubishi PMU07 acts as a supplement for the power management control. It supports many functions via the SMBus interface.
The system communicates with the PMU07 via the SMBus interface. The SMBus host (M38867) should be first initialized before starting the transaction. The following is the procedure for system communication with PMU07:
1.Enable SMBus interface by writing 01h to SmbHstCfg register.
2.Get SMBus I/O port base address by reading from SmbBA register.
3.Clear SMBus status by writing 1Eh to SmbHstSts register.
4.Write the PMU07 slave address to SmbHstAdd register.
−Send command to PMU07
−Read data from PMU07
5.Write the desired command to SmbHstCmd register.
6.Write the desired parameters to SmbHstDat0(High byte) and SmbHstDat1(Low byte) registers if the system wants to send command to PMU07.
7.Wait for SMBus interrupt occurred by monitoring SmbHstSts register INTR bit.
8.Get the desired data by reading from SmbHstDat0(High byte) and SmbHstDat1(Low byte) registers if the system wants to read data from PMU07.
Features Summary of the
•5 channels
•Capture, Compare, PWM module
•Synchronous Serial port (SSP) with SPI and I2C
•Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART/SCI)
•2K bytes program memory
•128 bytes data memory
•22 I/O pin
•8 interrupt sources
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