RUSKA 7350
Users Manual
Bit 0 Voltage is questionable. Set when supply voltages are not within 5%. Bit 1 Current is questionable. Always 0.
Bit 2 Time is questionable. Set when the clock has not been set.
Bit 3. Temperature is questionable. Set when the oven temperature is not within range. Bit 5. Phase is questionable. Always 0.
Bit 6 Modulation is questionable. Always 0.
Bit 7 Calibration is questionable. Set when the unit has not been calibrated. Bit 8 Pressure is questionable. Set when the pressure is overranged.
Bit 9 Always 0.
Bit 10 Always 0.
Bit 11 Always 0.
Bit 12 Always 0.
Bit 13 Instument Summary bit. Always 0.
Bit 14 Command Warning. Set whenever a command ignores a parameter. Bit 15. 0.
6005 Interface Panel Emulation
The RUSKA 7350 may be configured to emulate the
1.The RUSKA 7350 is always in remote mode (Byte 0, Bit 2)
2.All TI strip outputs read as OFF (zero) and must be written as OFF.
3.No special functions are implemented.
4.Any message written to the RUSKA 7350 which starts with a colon as the first character is interpreted as a SCPI command.
To change from SCPI to Interface Panel Emulation via the remote interface, send the following message:
:SYSTem:LANGuage “6000”
To change from Interface Panel Emulation to SCPI via the remote interface, send the following message: