PBX configuration | FortiGate Voice |
No Answer Action Select the action to take when there is no answer for the incoming caller. You can select Voicemail, which routes the caller to voicemail, IVR, or Hangup. If you select Voicemail, the Voicemail Extension list appears and you need to select the voicemail extension number.
Configuring dial plans
Select the voicemail extension number from the
Select an extension in the Available column and then use the
To remove an extension from the Selected column, select the extension and use the <- arrow to move it back to the Available column.
Dial plans route calls made from a FortiGate Voice extension to an external phone system. The external phone system can be one or more PSTN lines if your FortiGate Voice unit includes PSTN interfaces, or a VoIP service provider. To route calls to an external phone system you add dial plan rules that define the extra digits that extension users must dial to call out of the PBX. The rules also control how the FortiGate Voice unit handles these calls including whether to block or allow the call, the destinations the calls are routed to and whether to add digits to the beginning of the dialed number (called prepending).
For example, if PBX users should be able to dial 911 for emergencies you should include a dial plan rule that sends all calls that begin with 911 to an external phone system. This rule should also override the default outgoing prefix so that users can dial 911 without having to dial 9 first.
You can also use dial plan rules to block some calls. For example, if you want to block extensions from making international calls you can add dial plan rule that blocks calls that start with the default outgoing prefix followed by 011.
When the FortiGate Voice unit receives a call from an extension that does not match the FortiGate Voice unit’s extension range, the call is processed according to the dial plan added to the extension. (If the extension does not have a dial plan the call is blocked). To process the call, the FortiGate Voice unit selects the dial plan rule that best matches the dialed numbers and processes the call using the settings in the dial plan rule. For example, the emergency dial plan rule could route calls out a local PSTN line (if your FortiGate Voice unit includes them) or to a remote VoIP provider.
FortiGate Voice Version 4.0 MR1 Administration Guide
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