ESC ( s # T Select a type face for the primary font. (#: 0 to 32767; 0 to 255 (one byte
specification) and 256 to 32767 (two byte specification)
One byte: 0=Line Printer, 1=Pica, 2=Elite, 3=Courier, 4=Helv, 5=Tms Rmn,
6=Letter Gothic, 7=Script, 8=Prestige, 9=Calson, 10=Orator, etc.)
Two bytes: 4100=CG Triumvirat, 4101=CG Times, 4110=Futura 2, 4111=CG
Palatino, 4112=ITC Souvenir, etc.)
ESC ( s # V Set the point size for the primary font. (#: points; 1 point is 1/72" height.)
ESC ( s # W < data > Download a character. (#: byte count of character header and character pattern
data; 0 to 32767)
ESC ) s # B Set the stroke weight for the secondary font. (#: -127 to 127 but available from
-7 to +7; -7=ultra thin, -6=extra thin, -5=thin, -4=extra light, -3=light, -2=demi
light, -1=semi light, 0=medium book or text, 1=semi bold, 2=demi bold, 3=-
bold, 4=extra bold, 5=black, 6=extra black, 7=ultra black)
ESC ) s # H Set the pitch for the secondary font. (#: cpi)
ESC ) s # P Set the spacing mode for the secondary font. (#: 0=fixed, 1=proportional)
ESC ) s # S Set the style for the secondary font. (#: 0 to 32767; 0=upright, 1=italic,
4=condensed, 5=condensed italic, 8=compressed or extra condensed,
24=expanded, 32=outlined, 64=inlined, 128=shadowed, 160=outlined
ESC ) s # T Select a type face for the secondary font. (#: 0 to 32767; 0 to 255 (one byte
specification) and 256 to 32767 (two byte specification)
One byte: 0=Line Printer, 1=Pica, 2=Elite, 3=Courier, 4=Helv, 5=Tms Rmn,
6=Letter Gothic, 7=Script, 8=Prestige, 9=Calson, 10=Orator, etc.)
Two bytes: 4100=CG Triumvirat, 4101=CG Times, 4110=Futura 2, 4111=CG
Palatino, 4112=ITC Souvenir, etc.)
ESC ) s # V Set the point size for the secondary font. (#: points; 1 point is 1/72" height.)
ESC ) s # W < data > Download the font header. (#: byte count of font header data; 26=HP LaserJet
+, 64=HP LaserJet -, -D, -P, -)
ESC * b # M Set the raster graphics compression mode. (#: 0=no compression, 1=run-length
mode, 2=TIFF revision 4.0 mode, 3=delta compression mode, 5=adaptive mode)
ESC * b # W < data > Transfer one row of data for rester graphics. (#: byte count)
ESC * b # Y Move the cursor vertically to provide blank areas in a raster graphics area. (#:
number of dots at the current resolution; 0 to 32767)
ESC * c # A Specify the horizontal size of a rectangle. (#: PCL unit; -32767 to 32767)
ESC * c # B Specify the vertical size of a rectangle. (#: PCL unit; -32767 to 32767)
ESC * c # D Specify the font ID for the subsequent soft font management. (#: 0 to 32767)