A.4 Commands

-Implemented vendor unique parameter: Bytes 32 to 51

Of the vendor unique parameters defined by the SET WINDOW command, this indicates only the supported parameter. The implemented vendor unique parameter consist of of 16 fields, each consisting of two bytes. The bit location of each field indicates the lower four bits of the vendor unique parameter code (vendor unique ID) supported by the scanner.


Field description



32, 33

Vendor unique parameter – 0Xh

34, 35

Vendor unique parameter – 1Xh

36, 37

Vendor unique parameter – 2Xh

38, 39

Vendor unique parameter – 3Xh

3A, 3B

Vendor unique parameter – 4Xh

3C, 3D

Vendor unique parameter – 5Xh

3E, 3F

Vendor unique parameter – 6Xh

40, 41

Vendor unique parameter – 7Xh

42, 43

Vendor unique parameter – 8Xh

44, 45

Vendor unique parameter – 9Xh

46, 47

Vendor unique parameter – AXh

48, 49

Vendor unique parameter – BXh

4A, 4B

Vendor unique parameter – CXh

4C, 4D

Vendor unique parameter – DXh

4E, 4F

Vendor unique parameter – EXh

50, 51

Vendor unique parameter – FXh



The scanner returns X'0001 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000'. (00 only)

-Image control function: Bytes 52 to 57

- Indicates supplementary information for parameters defined in the SET WINDOW command.

a)Brightness steps: Byte 52

Indicates the brightness level. X'00' indicates that the brightness function is not supported. The scanner returns X'FF'.

b)Threshold steps: Byte 53

Indicates the threshold level. X'00' indicates that the threshold function is not supported. The scanner returns X'FF'.

c)Contrast steps: Byte 54

Indicates the contrast level. X'00' indicates that the contrast function is not supported. The scanner returns X'FF'.

d)Reserved: Byte 55

Appendix A-37