A.4 Commands

If undefined value is specified this scanner returns the following error information:

- Status:


- Sense key: X’5’ (ILLEGAL REQUEST)

Paper width X, paper length Y: bytes 36 to 39, 3A to 3D (front-side window data only)

These parameters are valid when the nonstandard size is specified in the paper size parameter (byte 35).

The paper width and length is specified in 1/1200 inches unit. X must fit following condition

X 14034 (@ 1/1200 in.)

If the window data is back-side, these bytes must be all X’00’.


1.If the ADF is used and this parameter has not been specified, the paper is scanned on the default paper size (A3) of this scanner.

2.The paper size specified here concerns the sheets loaded in the ADF.

The area specified by the WINDOW bytes 6 to 15 in the window data should be equal to or smaller than the specified paper size.

3.The ADF for this scanner positions paper relative to the center.

Therefore, if paper size is not specified in the window data bytes 6 to 15, the window cannot be accurately positioned for the paper.

4.This parameter is only effective for reading with the ADF.

Appendix A-67