Scanner Interface

A.4 Commands

Commands are directions issued from an initiator to a target. This image scanner supports the following range of the commands specified by the SCSI standard.

(a)The identification number of logical unit (LUN: logical unit number) is B’000’.

If this scanner receives a value other than 000, it returns error information as follows:

Status key: B’00001’ (CHECK CONDITION)

· Sense key: X’5’ (ILLEGAL REQUEST)

(b)Relative addressing is not supported.

If this scanner receives a relative address (RelAdr) = 1, it returns error information as follows:

Status key: B’00001’ (CHECK CONDITION)

Sense key: X’5’ (ILLEGAL REQUEST)

(c)A control byte is not supported.

If this scanner receives a control byte ‚ X’00’ , it returns error information as follows:

Status key: B’00001’ (CHECK CONDITION)

Sense key: X’5’ (ILLEGAL REQUEST)

(d)A bit and field described as “Reserved” are 0.

If this scanner receives a value other than 0, it returns error information as follows:

Status key: B’00001’ (CHECK CONDITION)

Sense key: X’5’ (ILLEGAL REQUEST)

The commands supported by this scanner

Appendix A-20