Scanner Interface

c.Removable medium (RMB) : Byte 1

This scanner does not support RMB. This scanner returns B’0’.

d.Device type qualifier: Byte 1

This scanner does not support this field. This scanner always returns B’0000000’.

e.ISO version, ECMA version, ANSI approved version: Byte 2

Indicates the version number of the governing standard. This scanner returns X’02’ (SCSI- 2).

f.Asynchronous event notification capability (AENC) : Byte 3 This scanner does not support this field, so it returns B’0’.

g.Response data format: Byte 3

Indicates the standard, and its version number, that governs the format of inquiry data. This scanner returns B’0010’ (SCSI-2).

h.Additional length (n-4) : Byte 4

Specifies the number of bytes, from byte 5 to the last byte. This value will not change with the allocation length value specified in CDB. This scanner returns X’5B’ (the 91 bytes from byte 5 to byte 5F).

i.RelAdr, Wbus32, Wbus16: Byte 7

This scanner does not support RelAdr/ Wbus32/ Wbus16. This scanner returns B’000’.

j.SYNC (synchronous transfer) : Byte 7

This scanner returns B’1’ (“gsynchronous transfer supported” ).

k.Linked, cache, CMDQUE: Byte 7

This scanner does not support linked/cache/CMDQUE. This scanner returns B’000’.

l.sftRst (Soft Reset) : Byte 7

This scanner performs Hardware Reset. This scanner returns B’0’.

m.Vendor identification: Bytes 8 to F

Indicates the vendor of the logical unit in ASCII code. The vendor name is left- justified, with the blank filled with spaces (X’20’). This scanner returns “FUJITSU”.

n.Product identification: Bytes 10 to 1F

Indicates the product name in ASCII code. The name is left-justified, with the blank filled with spaces (X’20’). This scanner returns one of the following names:

Scanner type




Scanner without option




With IPC-2D option




o.Product revision level: Bytes 20 to 23

Indicates the version number of the product in ASCII code. This number is left- justified, with the blank filled with spaces (X’20’).

Appendix A-28