[signal] | [I/O] | [Description] |
| I | DIOR– is the strobe signal asserted by the host to read device |
| registers or the data port. |
| HDMARDY– is a flow control signal for Ultra DMA data in |
| bursts. This signal is asserted by the host to indicate to the device |
| that the host is ready to receive Ultra DMA data in bursts. |
| The host may negate HDMARDY- to pause an Ultra DMA data in |
| burst. |
| HSTROBE is the data out strobe signal from the host for an Ultra |
| DMA data out burst. Both the rising and falling edge of |
| HSTROBE latch the data from DATA |
| host may stop generating HSTROBE edges to pause an Ultra |
| DMA data out burst. |
INTRQ | O | Interrupt signal to the host. |
| This signal is negated in the following cases: |
| – assertion of RESET– signal |
| – Reset by SRST of the Device Control register |
| – Write to the command register by the host |
| – Read of the status register by the host |
| – Completion of sector data transfer |
| (without reading the Status register) |
| When the device is not selected or interrupt is disabled |
IOCS16– | O | This signal indicates |
| This signal is an open collector output. |
| – When IOCS16- is not asserted: |
| 8 bit data is transferred through DATA0 to DATA7 signals. |
| – When IOCS16- is asserted: |
| 16 bit data is transferred through DATA0 to DATA15 signals. |
CS0– | I | Chip select signal decoded from the host address bus. This signal |
| is used by the host to select the command block registers. |
CS1– | I | Chip select signal decoded from the host address bus. This signal |
| is used by the host to select the control block registers. |
DA | I | Binary decoded address signals asserted by the host to access task |
| file registers. |
KEY | – | Key pin for prevention of erroneous connector insertion |
PIDAG– | I/O | This signal is an input mode for the master device and an output |
| mode for the slave device in a daisy chain configuration. This |
| signal indicates that the slave device has been completed self |
| diagnostics. |
| This signal is pulled up to +5 V through 10 kΩ resistor at each device. |
DASP– | I/O | This is a |
| active and a slave device is present. |
| This signal is pulled up to +5 V through 10 kΩ resistor at each device. |
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