2.Set the spacer (3) to the place selected at paragraph 1.4.1.
3.Weld the spacer (3) to the ship's hull. The welding and doubling methods are left up to the shipyard.
4.Unfasten M12 hex. nut (20), spring washer (21) and flat washer (22) to remove the shaft (6) from the seachest cap (4).
Shaft (6)
Seachest cap (4)
5.Paint the gate valve (2), spacer (3) and seachest cap (4) the same color as ship's body. Paint only
6.Pass the cable from the transducer (1) through the shaft (6) from the bottom.
7.Apply liquid gasket (supplied) on the top of the transducer (1).
8.Use hex. bolt (26) and seal washer (27) to fasten the transducer (1) to the shaft (6).