5.3DNP Implementation
5.3.1 Overview
The EPM 6000 meter is capable of using RS485 as the physical layer. This is accomplished by connecting a PC to the meter with the RS485 connection on the back face.
RS485 provides
The EPM 6000 communicates in DNP 3.0 using the following communications settings: 8 data bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit. The EPM 6000 can be programmed to use several standard baud rates, including: 9600, 19200, 38400, and 57600 bps.
5.3.2Data Link Layer
The Data Link Layer as implemented on the EPM 6000 is subject to the following considerations.
The control byte contains several bits and a function code. Communications directed to the meter should be primary master messages (DIR = 1, PRM = 1). Responses will be primary
The EPM 6000 supports all of function codes for DNP 3.0:
•Reset of Data Link (function 0): Before confirmed communication with a master device, the data link layer must be reset. This is necessary after a meter has been restarted, either by applying power or reprogramming the meter. The meter must receive a RESET command before confirmed communication may take place. Unconfirmed communication is always possible and does not require a RESET command.
•User Data (function 3): After receiving a request for USER DATA, the meter will generate a data link CONFIRMATION, signaling the reception of that request, before the actual request is processed. If a response is required, it will also be sent as
•Unconfirmed User Data (function 4): After receiving a request for UNCONFIRMED USER DATA, a response will be sent as UNCONFIRMED USER DATA if required.
DNP 3.0 allows for addresses from 0 to 65534 (0000h to FFFEh) for individual device identification, with the address 65535 (FFFFh) defined as an all stations address. Addresses are programmable from 0 to 247 (0000h to 00F7h), and recognize address 65535 (FFFFh) as the all stations address.
5.3.3Transport Layer
EPM 6000 |