By default,this VCRautomaticallyturns off aftertwo hours of inactivityIn. the PREFERENCESmenu,press4 to changethe time delay,or to disablethe feature .
. OFF:The VCRwill remainturned on untilyou shut it off.
. 1:00,2:00,or 3:00:The VCRturns off afterone,two, or three hoursof inactivity .
Thirty secondsbeforeshuttingoff, the VCRwill warn you with a screenreading,"The VCRwill turn off in 30 seconds .Pressany keyto cancel . "
lf you usethe VCR'stuner insteadof your TV to tune channels,you may want to turn this featureoff .
Front Panel Brightness (VCR Display)
The brightnesslevelof the fluorescentdisplaypanelon the front of the VCRcan be to be lessor more bright .In the PREFERENCESmenu,press5 to switchbetweenthe options .
. AUTO brightensthe displaywhen the VCRis on and dims the displaywhen the VCRis off .
. BRIGHTkeepsthe displaybright .
. DIM keepsthe displayat a low brightnesslevel .
Preferred Tape Speed
You can set the preferredtape speedbetweenStandard Play(SP)and SuperLong Play(SLP) In. the PREFERENCES menu,press6 to toggle betweenthe options .
. SP setsthe preferredrecordingspeedto SP.
. SLPsetsthe preferredrecordingspeedto SLP.
Set Auto Repeat
Atape can be set to playthe samesegmentover and over in a repeatingloop with the SetAuto Repeatfeature .Set Auto Repeatusesthe VCR'smemory counterto determine the durationof the loop .
Continuedon Next Page
3 | Auto | TVlVCR: | ON |
4 | EnergySaver: | 2:00 | |
5 | Front | PaneL: | AUTO |
6 | Tape | Speed: | SLP |
7 | Set | Auto Repeat |
u | txl T |
The PBEFEBENCESmenu allows access to settings for the remote control, energY saving mode, front panel brightness,and more.
SP (StandardPlay)
Givesthe best quality recording,but fewer programs can be recordedon the tape. Special effects such as pause,slow motion, picture search, and frame advancework well when you play back tapes recordedin this speed.
SLP(SuperLong Play)
Givesthree times the recordingtime of tapes recorded in SP.SPecial effectssuch as pause,slow motion, picture search,and frame advance work well when you play back taPes recordedin this speed.
Recording Time
Cassette SP SLP
T - 120 | 2hr | 5 hr |