Stopping a Timer Recording
To stop or cancela timer recordingin progress(evenan expressrecording):
. Pressand hold the STOPbuttonfor threeseconds .
Reviewing and Clearing Programs
To review programsthat you have alreadyset up:
1 . Press2 when the VCRMAIN MENU is displayedto displaythe TIMERRECORDINGSmenu .
1 Create a
3 Use VCR Ptus+ Code
2. Press2 to displaythe ReviewExistingProgs.screen.
Program 1 (0ne Tjme)
ChanneL 03 cabLe Start Time 08:00 PM
End Time 09:30 PM
start Date 11/16/OO Thu Tape Speed SLP
Press INF0 to edit Press CLEAR to correct Press ltiENU to save
3. PressCLEARto eraseor MENUto seethe next program .
Recording Broadcast Stereo TV or SAP
(SecondAudio Program)
Some TV programsare broadcastwith stereoaudio or SAP(SecondAudio Program) .
1 . Turnon the TV and tune it to the VCRviewingchannel (either3, 4, or TV'svideo input) .
2. Inserta tape with safetytab in place.
3 . lf your VCRviewingchannelis 3 or 4, makesurethe VCRindicatorappearsin the VCR'sdisplaypanel .lf not, pressTV.VCRto turn it on.