Index Search

The VCRhasa "VHS IndexSearchSystem"that automaticallyrecordsan index mark on the tape every time you starta recording .

Duringplaybackyou can locatethe programyou want to play by the numberof index marksor by scanning The. VCRwill searchforward or reversefrom the locationyou are on the tape .

To Search:

1. PressSTOP.

2 . PressSEARCHon the remoteto displaythe INDEX SEARCHon - screendisplay .

3 . lf you want to searchthrougha certainnumberof index marks,presstwo number buttonsto enterthe numberof marksyou want to search .PressCLEARon the remoteto correctan entry.

4. PressFORWARDto searchforward or REVERSEto searchin reverseThe. VCRwill locateyour indexmark and beginplaybacklf. you did not entera specific indexnumber,the VCRwill locatethe next indexmark and begin playback .

5 . PressSTOPto end indexsearching .

Some indexmarksmay be missedby the VCR:

. A marktoo closeto your locationon the tape

. The mark at the beginningof a recordedsegmentof five minutesor less

. The first index mark on the tape when you startat the beginningof the tape

Zero Search

The zerosearchfeatureenablesthe VCRto quicklyreturn to a counterreadingof 0:00:00anywhereon the tape .This is especiallyconvenientwhen you want to repeata segmentof the tape severaltimes .

1 . Goto the beginningof the programyou wishto returnto .

2. PressINFOtwice to displaythe timercounteron the TV screen .

Continued on Next Page


Press REV 0R FlllD to begin scanning


enter a specific i ndex number

Press SEARCH to exit


Searching for

i ndex nunbe r 12 . - .

Press ST0P to canceL


Searching for

index marks ...

Press ST0P to cancet

4 l

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Image 43
GE VG4275 manual Index Search, Zero Search