Remote Buttons

The remotecontrolis capableof controllingyour VCRand many brandsof televisionslf. you havea GE,RCAor PROSCANTV you may be ableto controlit without havingto programthe remote .

Component Buttons

ON.OFF Turnsoff VCRwhen remoteis set to controlthe VCR .Also turns some compatiblecomponentson and off .

TV Turnson a compatibleGE,RCA,or PROSCANTV and setsthe remoteto controlthe TV.Also usedwith the ON . OFFbuttonto turn on a differentbrandof TV (if programmed)and setsthe remoteto controlthe TV.

VGR Turnson a compatibleGE,RCA,or PROSCANVCR and setsthe remoteto controlthe VCR.

VCR Function Buttons

CHAN Up or Down Selectsnext higheror lowerchannel in the VCR'schannelmemory .

CLEAR Resetstime counterto to changeentrieswhen settingthe clockor a timer recording .

F.ADV Letsyou view one frame with each pressof the buttonwhen tape is in pause .

FORWARD Fastforwardsthe tape when the VCRis stopped .Searchesforwardthrougha tape during playback . Startsslow motion during play - pauseand increasesslow - motionspeed .

GO BACK Switchesbetweentwo channels.Selectone channeland then selectanotherusingthe numberbuttons . PressGO BACKto switch betweenthe two channels.In menu mode,pressto go backto a previousmenu .

INFO Showsthe statusdisplayson the TV screen .

INPUT Selectsbetweenthe VCR'sline inputor tuner .Line input refersto the signalcomingfrom the component connectedto the AUDIOA/IDEOlN jackson the backor front of the VCR.

MENU Bringsup VCRMAIN MENUon the TV screen .

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GE VG4275 manual Remote Buttons, Component Buttons, VCR Function Buttons