Numbers (Othrough 9) Selecta channelup to 99 by pressingtwo numbers .Selecta cablechannelover99 by pressingand holding1 until 1
PAUSE Pausesplaybackor recording.PressPAUSEagain to returnto playbackor recording.
PLAY Playsa tape.
RECORD StartsVCRrecording.Also usedfor Express recording .
REVERSE Rewindsthe tape when the VCRis stopped. Searchesbackwardthrough a tape during playback.Starts slow motionduring play - pauseand decreasesslow - motion speed.
secondsof recordedmaterialduring playbackEach. press advancesthe tape an additional30 secondsup to five minutes,
SPEED Selectsa recordingspeed(SPor SLP) .
STOP Stopsthe currentVCRfunctionsuch as record, playback,rewind,or fastforward.
TRACKING Up or Down Letsyou manuallyreducethe streaksthat may appearon the pictureduring play,slow motion,or pause.Reducespicture"jitter" during stop- actionplayback.
TV.VCR Switchesthe picturesignalso that it either comesfrom the VCRor cable/antennasystem.
TV Function Buttons
CHAN Up or Down Selectsnexthigheror lowerchannel in the TV'schannelmemory.
CLEAR Removesmenusor statusdisplaysfrom the screen.
GO BACK Switchesbetweentwo channelsSelect.one channelandthen selectanotherusingthe numberbuttons . PressGO BACKto switchbetweenthe two channels.
INFO Showsthe TV'sstatusdisplayson the TV screen.
INPUT Selectsbetweenthe TV'sinputchannelor tuner. Pressto seethe VCRsignalif you connectedyour VCRusing the AUDIOI/IDEOjacks.
Continuedon Next Page
TV Buttons
The TV buttons may not control all featuresof all models of GE,RCA,or PROSCANTVs.
lf you cannot get a picture on the TV screen,see, "How to Find Your TV'sVideo Input Channel" or "Troubleshooting,"both of which are in the Referencesection of this manual.