To Lock While a Timer Recording is in Progress: PressandholdtheVCRbuttonon the remotefor approximatelysix seconds.

To Unlock:PressandholdtheVCRbuttonon the

remotefor approximatelysixseconds .

Time Counter

The time countershowsthe actualtime it takesto recorda programor play backa segmentof a recordedtape'lt helpslocatethe beginningor end of programsyou taped . The time counterresetsto 0:00:00wheneverthe tape is ejectedfrom the VCR.

For example,if you recorda 30 - minuteprogramat the beginningof the tape and you want to go to the end of that programto beginanotherrecording,you would:

1 . PressINFOtwice to displaythe time counter .

2. PressCLEARto resetthe time counterto 0:00:00.

3. PressFORWARDto forward the tape until the time counterreads0:30:00.

4 . PressSTOPThis. is the approximateend of the program .

(Youmay want to pressPLAYto verify.)Now, you can begin recordingat this spot .

5 . PressINFOto removethe time counterfrom the screenand returnto the normaldisplaymode .

0 : 3 0 : 0 0



The timer counter'son-screen display listshours, minutes and secondsof a segment of tape.

stop Ch 05 - 0:30:00

11 18/99 Thu 01 :30PM SLP

On-Screen Display (Times Out)

0 : 3 0 : 0 0


The lNFo button shows the statusof the vcR (sroB PLAY,



RECORD,etc . ),channelnumber,time counter,date,


and tape speedon the TV screen .The dateand time must

Time Counter Onlv (Does Not Time Out)

be set beforethey can be displayed.


1 . PressINFOto seethe on - screendisplays .


2 . PressINFOagainto haveonly the time counterremain


on the screen .


3 . PressINFOagainto removethe time counterfrom the


mode .


screenand returnto the normaldisplay


Turningoff the VCRalso resetsthe displays.

No Displays Will Appear lUseful for Dubbing)



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Image 45
GE VG4275 manual On-ScreenDisplays, Be set beforethey can be displayed