l . Jhat is your Time Zone?
3Mounta i n
4Pa c i f i c
6HaHa i i
Press ltlENU to cont i nue
4 . Selectthe correcttime zone .
lf "Automatic" is selectedas the time zone,the VCR setsthe clockusingthe first CoordinatedUniversal Time informationit finds in a broadcastsignal .lf the time is not correct,selectanothertime zoneor setthe time and datethroughthe menu system .
Setting Daylight-Saving Time
1 . PressMENUto displaythe VCRMAIN MENU .
2 . Press3 to displaythe TIME menu .
3 . Press4 to displaythe SETDAYLIGHTSAVINGSmenu .
Does your area observe Dayl - ight Savings Time fnom ApriI to 0ctober?
1 Yes, DST is observed
2 No
Press MENU to continue
4. Selectone of the options.
. DSTis the acronymfor DaylightSavingTime .
. lf you choseAUTOMATIC,the VCRsetsthe clockusing the DSTinformationbroadcastin the signal(channel) .
Setting Time and Date Manually
lf the Auto ClockSetwas unsuccessful,setthe clock throughthe menu option .The Auto ClockSet featureis set to OFFautomaticallywhen you setthe clockthis way .
1 . PressMENUto displaythe VCRMAIN MENU .
Continued on Next Page
Auto Clock Information
With a cable box, the VCRwill not reset the clock after a power outage unlessthe cable box is turned on to the channelcarryingthe XDS signal.
lf Auto Clock Set is unsuccessful,try tuning the VGR(or cablebox)to a channelcarryingthe broadcast information (usuallyPBSI,then turn the vcR off. lf the time does not set within ten minutes, set the time and date manuallythrough the menu.
Checkyour local cable system or TV stations for availabilityof channels with XDS.
l 3