Automatic Rewind
The VCRautomaticallyrewindsthe tape if it reachesthe
end of the tape during playbackWhile. rewinding,you can pressPOWERon the VCR(ON.OFFon remote)and the VCRwill turn off afterrewinding .
Tape Eject
PressSTOP.EJECTon the VCR(STOPon remotefor a few seconds)when it is stoppedto ejectthe tape.A tape can be ejectedeven when the VCRis off.
lf you want to recordsomethingthat you'rewatching,you can use basicrecording .For more detailedinformation, referto the "Recording"sectionstartingon the next page.
1. Setthe tape speedby pressingthe SPEEDbutton on the remote.
2. Pressthe RECORDbutton to begin recording.
3. PressSTOPto stop recording.
lf you just want to pausethe recordingfor a shorttime (suchas during a commercial),pressPAUSEinsteadof STOP.
. For more informationabout in - depthrecording features,referto the next section.
Check the Safetv Tab
No matterwhich recordingoption you use,you needto makesurethere is a tape in the VCR,and that the tape's safetytab is in place.You cannotrecordon a tape with the safetytab removed.
lf the safetytab is removedand you want to recordover it, simplycoverthe holewith vinyl tape .
Satety Tab
SP {StandardPlay)
Givesthe best quality recording,but fewer programs can be recorded on the tape. Specialeffectssuch as pause,slow motion, picture search, and frame advancework well when you play back tapes recordedin this speed.
SLP(SuperLong Play)
Givesthree times the recordingtime of tapes recorded in SP.Special effects such as pause, slow motion, picture search,and frame advance work well when you play back tapes recordedin this speed.
Recording Time
Cassette SP SLP
T - t 20 | 2hr | 5hr |
T- 60 2 hrl40 min 8 hr