The SetAuto Repeatdialogbox will askfor a loop end time to be specified:


Set the Length of time you want the tape to

pLay in a repeating Ioop

Loop f rom 0:00 to - : -- (h:mm)

Pness IIENU to exit

. The CLEARkey will eraseall three numbersentered and move the cursor backto the first position(hours).

. The "PressCLEARto turn off" messagewill appear only afterthe first number has beenenteredinto the end time .

. Auto Repeatis set backto -:--by resettingthe dialog box, by cassetteejectingor insertion,by poweringoff the VCR,by power interruption,or by recordingstart.

When a durationtime has beenset:

. The VCRwill automaticallyswitchto rewind if the countermeetsor goes pastthe Auto Repeatset duration .



The VCRwill automaticallyswitchto playbackduring rewind if the counterequalsor is lessthan 0:00 .

The Auto Repeatmay be adjustedby settingthe counterto 00:00.This can be done by pressingthe CLEARbutton while the tape counteris on screenor on the front paneldisplay.

. The counterwill not resetwhile rewindingin an Auto Repeatloop .FrontPanelBrightness(VCRDisplay)

You can changethe brightnesslevelof the fluorescent displaypanelon the front of the VCR.Press5 to switch betweenthe options.

. AUTO brightensthe displaywhen the VCRis on and dims the displaywhen the VCRis off .

. BRIGHTkeepsthe displaybright .

. DIM keepsthe displayat a low brightnesslevel .


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GE VG4275 manual Auto Repeat