TV with Audio/Video Jacks and Cable Box to Ljnscramble Pav Channels Onlv
This connection assumes:
. You are usinga cablebox only to unscramble premiumchannels .
. YourTV has audio/videoinput jacks.
This connection provides:
. Stereosound playbackfrom VCR.
. Recordinga scrambledor unscrambledchannel throughthe cablebox while watchingan unscrambledchannel .
To use ttris corurection, you must have:
. (3)coaxialcables
. (3)audio/videocables ' (1) splitter
To connect:
1 . Connectcablesas shown .
2. Returnto FirstThingsFirst then follow the steps.
Using This Connection
TuneyourTVto itsvideoinputchannelUse.of TV.VCRbutton is not required.
Auto TVIVCR Setting:
. Set the Auto TVA/CRfeatureto OFF.
To play a tape:
1 . Inserta tape .
2. lf necessary,pressPLAY.
To record a scrambled or unscrambled program and watch another unscrambled program:
1 . Beginrecordinga scrambledor unscrambled programthroughthecableboxusingoneof the recordingfeatures.
2 . Selectan unscrambledchannelon theTV .
All scrambledchannelsmust be viewed through the VCR.