Limited Warranty
What your warrantY covers:
. Any defectin materialsor workmanship .
For how long after Your Purchase:
. Ninetydaysfor laborcharges .
. One year for Parts.
The warrantyperiodfor rentalunitsbeginswith the first rentalor 45 daysfrom date of shipmentto the rentalfirm' whichevercomesfirst .
What we will do: |
| |
. | Payany AuthorizedGEVCRServiceCenterthe laborchargesto repairyour VCR . | ||
. |
| replacementpartsrequiredto |
pay any AuthorizedGEVCRServicecenterfor the new or, at our option,refurbished | |||
| repairyour VCR . |
How you get service: | To identifyyour nearestAuthorizedGE VCRServiceCenter. | ||
. |
| ||
Takeyour VCRto any AuthorizedGE VCRServiceCenter. |
| ||
| askyour dealer,look in the YellowPages,or call 1 - 800 - 447 - 1700' |
| |
. |
| your evidenceor purchasedateor first rental' | |
CenterRepresentative |
| ||
| Show the AuthorizedService |
. | Pickup your VCRwhen repairsarecompleted . |
What your warranty does not cover: | how to install,adjust,and operateyour VCR'Any | ||
. |
| ||
(yourOwner'sManualclearlydescribes |
| ||
| Customerinstruction . |
| additionalinformationshould be obtainedfrom your Dealer') |
| |
. | Installationand relatedadjustments . |
. | Signalreceptionproblemsnot causedby your VCR . |
| |
. | Damagefrom misuseor neglect. |
. | Cleaningof video/audioheads . |
. | Batteries. |
. | into other productsor | is usedfor institutionalor othercommercial | |
A VCRthat has beenmodifiedor incorporated |
| |
| purposes. |
. | A VCRpurchasedor servicedoutsidethe USA . |
. | Acts of God,suchas but not limitedto lightningdamage . |
| |
Product Registration: | Cardpackedwith your VCR .lt will makeit easierto contactyou | ||
. | please | ||
| compteteand mail the ProductRegistration |
should it ever be necessaryThe. return of the card is not requiredfor warranty coverage.
flow state law relates to this warranty:
. This warranty givesyou specificlegal rights and you also may have other rightsthat vary from stateto state'
If you purchased your VCR outside the United States:
. This warrantydoes not apply .Contactyour dealerfor warrantyinformation .