TV with RFJack Orly
This connection assumes:
. You are connectingantenna,cable,or cablebox system.
. Yourtelevisionhasonly an RFinputjack .
This connection provides:
. Mono sound playbackfrom VCR .
. Recordone channelwhile watchinganother(except when usinga cablebox for all channels) .
To use this connection, you must have:
. (1)coaxialcablefor cableor antennaconnection;
To connect:
1 . Connectcablesas shown .
2. ReturnIo FirstThingsFirsf,then follow the steps.
Using This Connection
Tuneyour TV to channel3 or 4, whicheverone you selected with the CH3CH4switchon the backof the VCR.
Auto TVIVCR Setting:
set theAutoTVI/GRfeatureto oN.
To play a tape:
1 . Inserta tape .
2. lf necessary,press PLAY.
To record one program and watch another:
1 . Beginrecordinga programusingone of the recordingfeatures .
2. Pressthe TV.VCRbutton and selecta different channelon the TV .