4 Learning more
Playing a song
When you have made connections as described in “Connections” on page 10, you can start playing a song.
With the program fader at its lowest level (0) and the master fader also at 0, load a CD in the player, or put a record on the turntable connected in the earlier step
(“Record turntables” on page 10 and “CD decks, etc.” on page 10).
Cue up the CD or record using the cue functions as described below (use headphones to monitor the CUE output while the CUE indicator for the program with the record is lit).
Adjusting the output volume
Set the amplifier volume to less than full setting.
Bring the MASTER fader up to about the 7 mark, and slowly bring adjust the program fader until the over- all level is what you want.
Use the program meter to view the level of the pro- gram signal, and the stereo MASTER meters to check the overall level of the signal fed from the
If the top segment of a meter (14 dB) is lit for most of the time, the sound coming out of the
distorted. You should therefore try to keep the level so that the red segments of the meters are not lit all the time.
You can set the time that the meters take to fall back, as well as the time that they hold peak values, using the 12Mr and 13Mp menus (see “Meter release time” on page 19 and “Meter peak hold time” on page 19).
We suggest this way of working to avoid possible over- loading of the internal amplifiers, and distortion caused by such overloading.
Cue (previewing sounds)
Use the controls as described in “Headphones (connecting and using)” on page 12 to select the cue output to the headphones.
Press any of the program CUE keys, the microphone CUE key,
The programs and samplers, are monitored done pre- fader (that is, moving the program fader or adjusting the sampler LEVEL controls has no effect on the monitor signal level). On the other hand, the master cue output is monitored
the sampler CUE key or the MASTER cue key to lis- ten to the cue signal for that source.
When one of these keys is active (that is, the source is routed through the cue mix to the headphones), the key is lit.
Remember that no monitoring of the cue signals is possible if none of the CUE keys is lit.
The microphone is monitored after the LEVEL con- trol.
Use the CUE/MST headphone control to adjust the balance between the cue and master signals in the headphones.