The Imager responds to serial commands with one of three responses:
ACK Indicates a good command which has been processed.
ENQ Indicates a bad command.
NAK Indicates the command was good, but the entry was out of the allowable range, e.g., an entry for a minimum message length of 100 when the field will only accept 2 characters.
Command Center Buttons
Display All Settings displays the settings currently saved for the Imager.
Display Setting Ranges displays all the possible serial commands and the allowable data field parameters.
Display Firmware Rev displays the software version being used by the Imager.
Build Command Bar Code is used to create an Aztec code from a command or set of commands entered in the Serial Window. (The size of the Aztec code can be altered using the File - Preferences selection.) This bar code can then be printed out and used to program other Imagers.
Build Clone Bar Code is used to capture the settings from one Imager, and input them to another Imager. When the Build Clone Bar Code button is clicked, Quick*View captures the settings from the attached Imager and creates an Aztec code which can be printed. (The size of the Aztec code can be altered using the File - Preferences selection.) Any Imager that scans the resulting clone bar code will be programmed to the same settings as the original Imager.
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