Reading Multi-Row OCR
The IT4410/4710 is capable of decoding
Example G: You need to read multiple rows of OCR data as shown below:
12345678 ABCDEFGH
To read the first row of OCR data, you would menu the following template:
This template is the default OCR template. If you wanted to read the second line of data, you would use the following template:
To read both lines of OCR at one time, use the variable r to indicate the start of a new row. All of the other templating variables for the individual rows work the same as previously described. For instance, in the above example, you would use the following template to read both rows:
To read the three rows below, you would use the template command "OCRTMP"ddddddddrllllllllrlllldddd".
12345678 ABCDEFGH ABCD1234
Note: Note: Reading more than three rows of OCR is not recommended. Contact the factory if you have an application that requires reading 4 or more rows of OCR.
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