Data Formatter Example
You are using an IBM PC AT and are scanning a UPC A bar code with a five digit addenda (shown below). The bar code has a total of 18 characters, including the number system, the check digits, and a space between the main bar code data and the addenda bar code data.
UPC A with 5 digit addenda
0 12345 67890 5
For your application, you don’t want the space between the main bar code data and the addenda bar code data transmitted. You also want the bar code data followed by a carriage return (CR).
Refer to the Format Editor Commands Chart on page
HScan the Enter Data Format bar code (page
HScan the 03 bar codes for PC AT Terminal Type.
HScan the 63 bar codes, the Hex value for UPC symbology.
HScan the 18 bar codes for the bar code length.
The following are the Editor Command Sequences:
HScan the FB (suppress characters command) bar codes, scan 20 (the Hex value for a space), and then scan FB to frame (complete) the command.
HScan the F7 bar codes to move the cursor back to the beginning of the bar code data.
HScan the F1 and 0D bar codes to send all the characters followed by a carriage return (CR= 0D in Hex value).
HScan the FF bar codes to end Format Editor selection.
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